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Home > 3D/4D Ultrasound Scanning
3D/4D Ultrasound Scanning is an advanced imaging technology that provides detailed images of the fetus or internal organs, enhancing the ability to visualize them in real-time. Unlike traditional 2D ultrasounds, which display flat, two-dimensional images, 3D scanning generates life-like three-dimensional images, while 4D adds the dimension of motion, allowing the visualization of moving images such as the baby’s heartbeat, facial expressions, or movements in the womb.
This non-invasive technology is particularly beneficial for expecting parents, offering a clearer view of their baby during pregnancy. It also aids medical professionals in identifying any potential developmental issues, ensuring better monitoring and care. With enhanced imaging and real-time monitoring, 3D/4D ultrasound is a valuable tool in prenatal care and other medical evaluations.
Vista Imaging & Medical Centre is committed to providing cutting-edge diagnostic services across its three strategically located centers in Hyderabad.